Defending the 2nd Amendment
" Our Right to Bear Arms "
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state; the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”
Without the 2nd Amendment all of our rights as U.S. citizens would be in jeopardy!
Here at D5 we’re strong patriotic supporters of the United States of America and all of our rights, including the Right to Bear Arms. While many of us feel that the government has overstepped its boundaries over the past few years, we want to continue to support and maintain our rights under the 2nd Amendment. In doing so, we would like to be a resource to help inform like-minded friends of how you can help in supporting and defending these rights.

" The Revolution Line "
While doing our part in supporting the 2nd Amendment D5 will be coming out with a new apparel line called "The Revolution Line". A portion of all sales from this line will be donated to one of the following 2A supporting organizations:
- National Rifle Association (NRA) –
- National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) –
- National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)–
- Gun Owners of America (GOA)–
- Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)–
- United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)–
- Learn more about USCCA:
- Sign The Petition to Support National Concealed Carry Reciprocity!
In Addition to our new apparel line, we are dedicated to promoting and supporting our Right to Bear Arms. We will be hosting speakers and events throughout the year on important 2A topics. D5 feels that it’s our responsibility to get involved and become members and support the organizations listed above to stay informed together. Stay tuned to the D5 email blasts for upcoming speakers and events.
Help support the 2nd Amendment and stand up for what we know is right!!